Wednesday, April 30, 2008

School's almost over!

That's right. Soon to be the summer of love...and a shitload of free time to write. I won't have to spill ideas onto paper wile I'm riding the subway too much. My experinces this semester hav been gradually satisfying. Some classes like prose and Editorial have been a treat and I've actually LEARNED some things. While others (Psyc) have been horrible...mainly because my teacher is a flake. When academic diplomas supersede general moral structuring, I think you have the first problem of someone trying to be a professor. He is the most hypocritical son of a bitch, I've veer met...besides myself, of course.
I've finished with Return to Sender and will displaying that piece for prose. I love the story and I hope my classmates will too. Especially Anthony Ginese who has shown me that he I certainly a hell of a writer. And if your reading this Tone, I mean it.
I have about ten other shorts I am trying to complete in order to make a compilation.
12 Answers to What if?...thats the title..clever huh?
Anyway, Ima be out like a trout! Man, I haven't used that one since middle school.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Sue me

Two weeks. That's not too bad. OOO shut up.
Anyway, I'm doing well and creatively, I'm still flourishing like a fiction butterfly. Best metaphor I can come up with in short notice.
The last few weeks I'm been working on short stories, muc of which I would like to eventually extend into full-fledge novellas.
As for Maker, Adam my main baby, I'm letting her sit so i can come back to her and butcher the writer who made her...crap that'll be me.
In that case, if you have nay ideas on how to sever a finger without it hurting too much an costing my viles and viles of morphine..that'd be grfeat. Love you babycake.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

When I'm right...I'm right

I tod you I'd forget about you. But would you blame me if I was talking to nobody. And when I think about it...doesn't this type of behavior promote schizophrenia? think about it.

I've been styling and profiling. Been a productive month with school (haven't failed...that's always a good sign) and work. But most importantly I've been writing like a genius machine. I've turned out about 8 magnificent short stories that i love and moving swell with my manuscript.

What else?
(It's sad that I have to think about writing on this blog and I like to consider myself a WRITER!)
(for real though, you guys bore the hell out of me with your nonexistence)

I cried for the first time in three years. Ric Flair retired last monday. And if you don't know who he should be shot.

So We'll see if I forget again or maybe w can make it two in a row.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Been a while, huh?

Whats up 0 viewers. Sorry I haven't entered anything lately as I had to go to japan for some business conference dealing with reuinifying Godzilla and his children...or I'm lying. Pretty much I just straight out forgot that I had this blog. OOPS. Whoopsy. Hallabalooooooo.

But yea, I've been working and having fun with school and writing a lottt. And I mean alot. I am trying to finish my first manuscript within the next two months so I can start dropping it out into the cesspool of mediocre writers flopped into the slush pile of Publishing houses.

Just letting you know I haven't forgotten about you but I'm not going to promise it won't happen again because it will. For now, as always, eat your vegetables and your vitamins (but not too much betokerotene because it makes you blind..

Friday, February 8, 2008

I won't Dr. Phil You...I Promise!

I know my last blog touched on the heart string a little but I am not one personally for drumming away at the love canvas. I like the simple things in life. Monster Movies and Meat. And obviously a few others.
I also like paying for a reasonable education. This feels like the first semester that I am actually getting what I'm clunking down in coin. I have four instructors/professors that are all related or in the Publishing field. And 3 of the 4 are working for Simon & Schuster AKA 50% of the industry.
Because honestly, I think we all feel that we're only here to get a piece of paper sometimes. It's a nice change to actually LEARN something.
In my exit should check out as it is a funny lil' comic strip that a fiend of mine is doing. Who knows... he might make it next to Garfield in a few years.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Memories and Scars

A co-worker was asking random questions today. Its purpose was to break the ice and mundane events of the day. in doing so she learned more about me that I believe shocked her. I'm not one to say I've had the best childhood but I haven't had a horrible least in my opinion. I am always aware that people have been through worse. She was so amazed at how one person so young could have been through so much.
I just told her it was like the Nike Slogan...
"Just Do It"

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Contradiction...I'm now happy again!

Not to say I wasn't happy yesterday but I'm in a great mood today with no definable answer to where my content mood can be contributed to. But nonetheless the sun does shine (metaphorically).
Besides that there is not much to report. I got my first paycheck from the new jizzob. Looking good and I'm liking not being so broke that I have to put into consideration if I can be a dollar menunaire at Mcdonalds.
So maybe I'll get two double cheeseburgers...who knows?

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Where the Hell is the Sun?

Today is just one of those Eh days. You don't wan to get up but you can't stay in bed. For some reason, the weeks feel longer and the weekends too short to even enjoy. there are no jokes today. I'm just tired. Not exhausted or at wit's end... but just tired.
Ok maybe one joke..."THE SUN WILL COME TOMORROW"-Annie (I had too)
In other news...umm...Oh, I found out one of my High school friends is Gay. Now I am all for it 9as long as its not me) but I used to be extremely homophobic. It is still hard for me to comprehend. But I'm sure I'll completely understand one day. until then, I am proud to support the rainbow flag in all its glory (not personally haha). I likes the womens Sirrrrr!

Monday, February 4, 2008


I am going to keep it real simple. The web administrator who designed the Portal Cuny system is either tech illiterate in designing software or likes pissing off students through faulty, unadapative programs. The server is not supportive and I'm sorry but you do not assign initial and necessary support as work study, because some people are morons. Thank you.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Food...What a Wonderful Thing

I Love events like the Superbowl because it gives me a reason to be a fatass. The same goes for Thanksgiving, Halloween, Christmas, Valentine's day and countless others.
All I want to say is I am making gourmet pigs in a blanket. if your curious...come on over.
If not... more for me. My skull is bone dry today with quick wit so I'll have to leave you hanging on for more tomorrow. But enjoy Sunday everyone and remember that nipples can come from anywhere so keep an eye out.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

I missed a day...and you dont' care

This is the first Saturday Blog. Jimmy cracks corn and you don't care. But then again neither do I enough to at least post five blogs in a row. But anyhoooooooooo...ooooooooooo.
I realized I haven't told you much about myself. But maybe the mystery is intriguing. If I told you I used to be a pro-surfer could you say i was lying? If I told you that I worked on the Cloverfield viral campiagn, do you know that it isn't true? What if i said that Jesus might really be Mexican and we've been pronouncing his name wrong the whole time?
Well my answer to that is my name is Eli.... not Ely or Elee Wheelie. And I'm a Jew too except for the fact that I am not religious whatsoever. My Bar-Mitzvah though did have a wonderful topic for the morning service. Masturbation. Wasn't I the lucky one.
I hope to be a published author one day but keeping the sight realistic and will have a steady fallback. (No cheap or Jew joke please...too easy, I know)
Which brings me to the real question you can ask yourself today. Is there really a bad Jewish stereotype? I supposedly own banks, have money, am extremely smart, and if I'm hardcore enough, I can look like an Amish Hitman. Not too shabby.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Almost only counts in Hand Grenades

Halfway through a novel I am writing. Yes, it's a GOOD one. I can't indulge on the details too much (Goddamn internet pirates) but its a horror thriller that is semi-post apocalyptic. How can that BE! you ask?
Well, It surrounds an incident that doesn't devastate the world but a small urban community. it links one character to the other side of the world while providing a background story parallel to one like Logan (Who's Logan? Too bad idiot!).
I guess if I had to explain it to a child it would be this. If Harry Potter had sex with an agent of the Men in Black born in the Bronx while watching the movie Cloverfield and experimenting with Nootropic antibodies... you'd have my baby.
Yea..I know... probably a bad acid trip and a horrible manuscript. Just trust me lil' ones, it will be the next best mediocre hit!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Mindless Work...Yay...

Currently I am the Director of Targeted Media. Meaning when you misspell "Myspacce" with one too many c's, I'm the reason it brings you to home decor or another traffic site littered with advertisements. Yes. I get paid to do this. Well too.
Why, one might ask? Mostly because it fits around my schedule. An thank god I'm still a student. if I ha to do this for the rest of my life, I would most certainly dive into an empty pool. Repeatedly.
And I'm at work right now doin' a blog. the level of security and professionalism is hardcore hear. Yo Mofo. I felt like I cheated you yesterday with my goodbye comment. So I have a better one.
"With great power, comes great responsibility"- by you better know who that is. Couple of friend isn't Doc Oc... and rocks the spandex
Goodbye. And I really wish they would bring back Marvel Masterpiece cards.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Floggin' Headache!

Have you ever hit your head on a cabinet or some other extended surface and said to yourself," Hey I want to do that again!" Well I didn't do that but my brain feels like their are mini-lumberjacks inside my skull trying to hatchet down my optic nerve and SUCK AT IT. I would love to speak more on this matter but the g/f is pissed and I'm all out of good lies. She's a doll though as I'm sure you'll hear in the future. As Captain Bicard once said," To Infinity and Beyond!"
To my comfy bed that is.

(By the way, not sure if he said that and I'm not a Trekkie fan. Go Marvel though!)

Monday, January 28, 2008

The First of Many (Unfortunately?)

The title speaks for itself. Whether read or not, my persistence will prove to be successful...I hope. But will I find out that I am doing this simply for an 'A' or maybe this is generally a good idea? I've never kept a diary simply because my thoughts are often to muddled to be put in ink. I'm the guy you know that says "Hey I know exactly where everything is...Don't touch it!" This is mainly because I'm too lazy to be organized and too stubborn to change my ways.
In time... we shall see. But for now, it's cheesy rice time!