Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Where the Hell is the Sun?

Today is just one of those Eh days. You don't wan to get up but you can't stay in bed. For some reason, the weeks feel longer and the weekends too short to even enjoy. there are no jokes today. I'm just tired. Not exhausted or at wit's end... but just tired.
Ok maybe one joke..."THE SUN WILL COME TOMORROW"-Annie (I had too)
In other news...umm...Oh, I found out one of my High school friends is Gay. Now I am all for it 9as long as its not me) but I used to be extremely homophobic. It is still hard for me to comprehend. But I'm sure I'll completely understand one day. until then, I am proud to support the rainbow flag in all its glory (not personally haha). I likes the womens Sirrrrr!

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